- - Monday, May 6, 2024

In his flattest brain wave yet, President Biden hopes to import refugees from the Gaza Strip. This rotten idea should be blasted with a drone.

After reviewing internal federal documents, CBS News’ Camilo Montoya-Galvez reported last week that Mr. Biden wants “refugee status” for certain residents of the Gaza Strip. This designation “offers beneficiaries permanent residency, resettlement benefits like housing assistance, and a path to American citizenship.”

What could go wrong? Plenty.

These immigrants could be Hamas terrorists. Chances are they would at least be Hamas supporters.

The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research’s April 15 poll of 750 Gaza residents found that 71% call “correct” Hamas’ “offensive against Israel on 7 October.” Meanwhile, 93% of Gaza residents “think Hamas did not commit war crimes during the current war.”

America should spurn a population in which 71% applaud the unprovoked massacre of 1,200 innocent Israelis whom Hamas raped, murdered, mutilated and incinerated. Dead babies occupied ovens. Jews in ovens: Sound familiar?

Hamas assassins gunned down motorists who drove through southern Israel. They fatally shot families as they slept. Hamas cutthroats paraglided into the Nova Festival and slaughtered 370 ravers who danced until dawn. For God’s sake, who kills music fans?

As a rescuer who encountered Nova’s dead recalled in a temporary Manhattan-based exhibition about this atrocity: “In some cases, they [Hamas] set them on fire and burned them in such a way that when we examined them, we suddenly realized what had appeared to us as one person was actually three.”

Oct. 7 was the worst single-day orgy of Jew-killing since Auschwitz. And 71% of Gaza residents approve. 

This is Mr. Biden’s next reservoir of immigrants? Is there a bottom to this buffoon’s idiocy?

With a real per-capita gross domestic product of $5,700 in 2022, according to the CIA World Fact Book, Gaza is slightly poorer than Nicaragua. Thanks to Hamas’ monomaniacal focus on butchering Jews rather than boosting prosperity, few Gaza residents offer skills that our country needs.

Typical Gaza residents neither understand nor appreciate constitutional republicanism, the rule of law, individual liberty, or any of America’s other founding and guiding principles. Freedom House observes: “No open elections for any office have been held in Gaza since 2006.”

Gaza’s schools teach anti-Jewish hate. Textbooks deny the 3,500-year presence of Jews in Israel and even erase the Hebrew names of its cities, e.g., rechristening Tel Aviv as “Tel al-Rabia.”

“Children are taught that waging jihad is a religious duty,” the Middle East Media Research Institute reports. “The messages imparted to children are replete with anti-Semitic motifs that demonize the Jews, presenting them as the eternal enemies of the Muslims, as subhuman ‘descendants of apes and pigs,’ and as bloodthirsty savages with whom no dialogue or reconciliation is possible.”

As antisemitism explodes from coast to coast, the United States should reject people who have simmered in anti-Jewish venom since kindergarten.

If Gaza residents seek safety — perhaps while the Israel Defense Forces enter Rafah and exterminate every last Hamas rat — then why not move to Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia or (what a concept!) the West Bank? Why bypass those Arab destinations and instead jet for 12 hours to the U.S.?

So far, Mr. Biden has let 9.4 million aliens break into our country illegally. These invaders are wrecking U.S. cities and states. They are swelling government budgets, exhausting municipal services, clogging public schools and raising crime rates. To this, the execrable Mr. Biden chants, “More! More! More!”

The president does all of this to impress Muslim voters in Dearborn and secure Michigan’s 15 electoral votes. Period. If maintaining power and control requires that Mr. Biden wave poor, unskilled, anti-democratic antisemites into America, so be it.

Political calculations get no more mercenary.

If Mr. Biden possessed a drop of shame, he would ditch this rotten idea and dedicate his fading faculties to securing Edan Alexander, Sagui Dekel-Chen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Omer Neutra and Keith Siegel. These forgotten U.S. hostages — kidnapped by Hamas — are the only people in Gaza whom America should welcome.

• Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.

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