
Epiphany Tea features Honduras mission details

Trinity Episcopal Church Women will be hosting their annual Epiphany Tea on Sunday, Feb. 16 at 3 p.m. in Garland Hall which is at the back of the Church located at 11 Day St. Fredonia.

The Epiphany Tea has been part of the Trinity Episcopal Church Women activities for more than 90 years. It is no longer the very formal event it once was but the format and purpose is the same.

For this event a guest speaker, someone in the community is invited to share their area of interest/expertise or concern. The intent is that others in the community have a chance to become aware of the topic. A question and answer follow the presentation as does a delightful afternoon tea.

The guest speakers this year are Jake Wilkins and Ted Lee, who is a Distinguished Teacher Professor at SUNY Fredonia Department of Biology. They recently completed a trip to Honduras as part of the Honduras Health Mission. This trip was also a followup to one taken in 2023. The main initiative for this trip was to set up temporary clinics aimed at supporting pregnant women and infants in very underserved areas. They were joined by SUNY students, American and Honduran physicians, pharmacists, nurses and interpreters. Materials donated by the local community were taken with the group.

Another aspect of the trip was to do follow up testing of the water based on previous trips.

The public is welcome. Any monies given as part of the free will offering will be donated to the Honduras Health Mission.


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