The San Mateo City Council is hoping that the state’s Office of Historic Preservation temporarily pauses a controversial application that could make the Baywood neighborhood a historic district, which was submitted by the resident-led group San Mateo Heritage Alliance.

Over the past year and a half, the Heritage Alliance has ramped up efforts to designate the area as historic, which would mean that more than 400 homes would be subject to additional reviews and require approval if owners wanted to substantially alter the exterior of their homes or make changes that don’t align with the design of the surrounding houses. The group, which says it aims to preserve the myriad architectural styles in the area, submitted an application to the state OHP toward the end of 2023, though the process is still underway.

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(4) comments

Providing Feedback

Very good news to hear! Thank you for this report. The San Mateo Heritage Alliance (SMHA) has been upsetting hundreds of people in our community and don’t care. The fact that Laurie Hietter, President of the SMHA, failed to bring up her December refiling before or during the January City Council meeting speaks volumes about her lack of integrity. Laurie Hietter wants what she wants and didn't care at all that the majority of Baywood residents don't want a Historic District imposed on them. Therefore, she intentionally bypassed the democratic process and secretly took matters into her own hands - despite that the city and SMHA had made an agreement to pause the Baywood Historic nomination. Laurie Hietter said nothing to the City Council knowing it was voting on an issue important to her and the SMHA without all of the facts. I am hoping the letter from the City Council to the OHP will help right that wrong.

anna kuhre

The back bone of the public process is community input and should be respected at all times. Unfortunately San Mateo Mayor Rob Newsom from the dais stated that he is skeptical that Baywood residents are actually submitting that number of letters for this recent council letter submission to the Office of Historic Preservation (OHP). There were approximately 70 letters on March 17. Baywood residents are busy resubmitting identity verification letters to council stating they are real people who want this historic designation stopped. In my 20 years of community involvement, I have never heard that community members have to verify their identity to the council who serves at the will of the people. I invite all San Mateo citizens to watch the council special session video and read the letters submitted on March 17, where you will find several interesting comments regarding other council members.The letters and video are part of public record.


Mayor Rob Newsom did not show the same kind of due diligence when he accepted the "stories" of a handful of people not living on Humboldt Street - that Car Storage is more important than safety in the North Central Neighborhood. He completely ignored the surveys and data provided through the North Central Complete Streets Plan, which cost some $250-$500k to produce. That plan clearly shows North Central has plenty of on-street car storage available and all the stories were made up and fabricated by "crisis actors" and with help of Corporate Interest. And Corporate Interest always seems to be the common denominator with San Mateo Democrats. That is how Nicole Fernandez can justify (only to herself) to discriminate against single women and their children while also asking for weed shops in San Mateo downtown.

Terence Y

Thanks for the update, Alyse DiNapoli, on the Baywood historic district issue. The way I see it, we can prevent the “in” thing in this day and age, lawfare, if cooler heads prevail and this travesty of trampling on homeowner rights ends sooner rather than later. Looking forward to future updates.

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