Planet TV Studios announces a New Frontiers episode featuring the Modular Building Institute, airing in Q2 2025
Planet TV Studios' New Frontiers airs Q2 2025 - Modular Building Institute, hosted by Gina Grad. Explore modular innovation & sustainable building.
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, UNITED STATES, February 18, 2025 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Innovation often comes from those who dare to reimagine what is possible. Planet TV Studios is excited to announce the production of a transformative new episode of New Frontiers, which will feature the Modular Building Institute (MBI). Scheduled to air in the second quarter of 2025, this episode will explore how the Modular Building Institute is redefining the construction industry by challenging outdated practices and promoting a future grounded in efficiency, sustainability, and adaptability.
Planet TV Studios is excited, once again, to welcome back Gina Grad as the host for this episode. Renowned as a dynamic radio personality, author, and podcast host, Gina brings an engaging presence and a knack for storytelling that enriches every project she undertakes. Best known for her role on "The Adam Carolla Show" and her children’s book about blended families, "My Extra Mom," Gina combines authenticity and expertise to shine a spotlight on the hand-selected companies featured on New Frontiers.
For over 40 years, the Modular Building Institute has been more than a trade organization; it has been a catalyst for change. By championing modular construction methods that prioritize speed, flexibility, and environmental stewardship, MBI and its member companies are rewriting the rules of how spaces in which people live and work are designed and built. Its mission is not just about constructing better buildings; it is about constructing a better future.
Planet TV Studios Joins the World of Modular Annual Convention & Tradeshow
This April, Planet TV Studios will be heading to Las Vegas to attend the 2025 World of Modular Annual Convention & Tradeshow, hosted by the Modular Building Institute. Taking place from April 7-10 at the Bellagio Resort & Casino, this premier event brings together visionaries, innovators, and industry leaders to share ideas, forge partnerships, and shape the future of modular construction.
While at the convention, Planet TV Studios will film on location and conduct interviews with key players in the modular construction space. These first-hand insights will enrich the New Frontiers episode, offering viewers a deep dive into the breakthroughs and big ideas driving the industry forward.
Why Modular Matters
The upcoming New Frontiers episode will showcase MBI’s relentless focus on education and advocacy. From equipping today’s professionals with the latest advanced skills to inspiring the next generation of builders and designers, the Modular Building Institute's efforts extend far beyond the construction site. Its work addresses critical global challenges — climate change, urbanization, and disaster recovery — by promoting smarter, more sustainable building solutions.
But what makes modular construction so revolutionary? It is not just about building faster or reducing waste (though it does both). It is about fundamentally rethinking the approach to construction, embracing a mindset of resilience, adaptability, and collaboration. MBI’s leadership is paving the way for a world where construction is not just a process but a platform for solving humanity’s biggest problems.
A Movement, Not Just an Industry
Modular construction is more than a method; it is a movement. By harnessing the power of modular innovation, MBI is demonstrating that buildings can be part of the solution to some of the world’s toughest challenges. Whether it is providing rapid housing in times of crisis or reducing the environmental impact of construction, MBI’s work is a testament to what is possible when purpose meets progress.
About Planet TV Studios
Planet TV Studios is committed to uncovering the stories and ideas that shape the world. Through its award-winning series New Frontiers, the company explores the bold innovations and visionary leaders driving change across industries. Each episode captures the essence of progress, sparking curiosity and inspiring action.
For more information, visit www.planettvstudios.com.
About the Modular Building Institute
Since 1983, the Modular Building Institute has been at the forefront of modular construction. Through advocacy, education, and industry leadership, MBI is advancing sustainable, efficient building practices that make a difference. To learn more, visit www.modular.org.
Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
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